Saturday, October 22, 2011

These Boobs Are Made For Walking

Hey Everybody!!!  Day 2 is done.  Yippee!!  40 miles down & only 20 more to go!  We have all commented on how differently we felt today (at the finish) compared to yesterday's finish.  We were all completely exhausted yesterday - emotionally.  Today we are all completely sore, riddled with blisters and unusual aches & pains.  We've got a line formed in the kitchen to get our ibuprofen and ice cold beer.  That IS just what the doctor ordered,  right?!  :-)

Today's walk took us from the World Congress Center downtown and made a giant loop around Atlanta.  We had more amazing cheer stations, but the one that stands out the most (to me) was the Girl Scouts troop who came out in their homemade t-shirts and handed out frozen fruit kabobs (which ROCKED, by the way!).  What a great example their troop leaders set for those young girls.  They're too young to participate in this event as a walker, but you're NEVER too young to be an activist, an advocate or campaigner.

I'm going to go on the record and tell you:  I'm a little nervous about tomorrow.  I've got a blister on my left foot that covers about 1/2 the foot.  My left shin is pretty much on fire and my right knee doesn't want to bend anymore.  Good times, people!!!  But, this is what it's all about.  I have been surrounded by women the past 2 days who've been to hell & back.  These women have endured surgeries & chemotherapy.  They've heard words spoken to them that would easily knock me to my knees.  They have had a disease enter & take over their body without their damn permission.  They have fought like hell to be alive & when they walk every step of the 20 miles we're tackling (daily) - they take them with joy in their step, with gratitude in their heart and with strength & perseverance running through their veins.

I cried a few times again today.  Once was at the end of one of the BEST cheering stations we've seen so far.  It was at Lindberg Station & there were so many people there cheering us on it was unbelievable.  But, at the very end when we were leaving the crowds and entering a long stretch of our route that would be "fan-less" I looked back.  The scene took my breath away.  I saw my fellow walkers making their way through the crowds, holding their heads high with pride.  I started crying.  I thought immediately about how proud I will be on the day we find out that a cure has been found.  Proud that I was a part of something so incredible and life-changing.  And, when I say life-changing I do not mean only to those who have had cancer.

How cute is this team of superheroes from North Georgia?

Another fun team!!!

How great is this team shirt?  Kim.Loves.It.

How hilarious is this?!

3 Little Pigs came to cheer us on!

Here's where we enjoyed our lunch today!!!  Happy Mardi Bras!!!

One of our many adoring fans waiting for us at Lindberg Station!

Same funny guy from yesterday!  ha!

Amazing survivor/walker!  She just had surgery 2 weeks ago.  I have GOT to quit complaining!

Another great team t-shirt!!  

One of the funniest fans we saw ALL day!

It's time for me to grab another beer...I mean, turn in for the night.  heehee  Hope you all had a great Saturday!  Love you all lots & can't wait to update you from the finish line.  


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