Monday, November 7, 2011

We Are Family

 “To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” ~Clara Ortega
Today I Am Thankful For:
1) My Sister – I don’t remember life before my little sister, Kelly, was born.  Granted I was only 4 ½ when she entered this world, but I do not have any childhood memories that stand out pre-kid sister.  Story goes that I actually named Kelly.  Charlie’s Angels was my favorite television show at the time (1978) and when my parents informed me that our baby was a little girl I immediately selected Sabrina as her given name.  Kate Jackson was THE BEST Angel - everyone knew that – except my parents!!!  Somehow, Sabrina Crimmins just didn’t sound angelic enough to my folks, so they told me to try again.  Jaclyn Smith was #2 in line (clearly Farrah’s stunts didn’t impress me enough), so Kelly was officially named.    
My sister & I are quite different, my Mom will be the first to tell you that, but despite our differences we have been thick as thieves from the very beginning.  Oh, yeah, over the years we fought & screamed & cried & locked each other out of our rooms, but more often than not we were each other’s companion during some memorable times. 
* It probably began for me when she arrived home from the hospital.  I have a photograph from that very day framed in my bedroom.  It shows my baby sister, swaddled up in a pink satin nightgown & matching blanket, being held by me, the confident big sis, wearing hand-me-down boy pajamas (thanks Ge!) with Mighty Mouse all over the pants & button-up shirt.  And there it began.  I was smitten with this chubby-cheeked, brown-eyed baby girl, Kelly.
* I remember her baby dolls: Cindy I, Cindy II & Christopher.  I wasn’t really in to dolls that much, but I reaped the benefit of having a sister who was…a lot of baby doll birthday parties that included homemade cupcakes and sometimes, even, a real cheesecake (Kelly’s favorite)!  Who cares if I had to wear a stupid pointed happy birthday hat (that kind with the annoying string that fits tightly under your chin) or if Cindy I/II had just had a birthday two weeks ago?!  Strawberry Cheesecake on a Tuesday afternoon…yes, please!
* Kelly was scared of the dark.  She had a double bed in her baby blue bedroom & I had a single bed in my bubble gum pink bedroom.  Our bedrooms were side by side and across the hall from our parents.  No one could take a step without it waking up the entire household.  Nonetheless, she was still afraid of sleeping alone in the dark.  Did I mention that I sorta was too?  Nope.  And, it didn’t matter cause I stepped up & acted as a brave, older sister should.  I climbed in to her big bed every night and slept in her room instead of my own.  I mean, I didn’t want the kid to lose sleep over something so silly, you know?!
* At that time her favorite books came from The Berenstain Bears collection.  I would read those to her every single night till she fell asleep.
* My parents were absolutely amazing at playing Santa Claus.  They’d hide presents & send us on scavenger hunts.  They’d leave notes FROM Santa to us.  They always, always, always pulled off the surprise.  So, when I found out the truth about Santa I was absolutely devastated.  It had been so incredibly fun believing.  I was so grateful that Kelly was still so much younger & would still be believing for a while longer.  If she believed, then I got to “play along” and still believe, too.  Can I tell you, I vividly remember the night, years later, when she told me that she knew the truth about Santa?  I couldn’t believe that our fun & years of pretending/believing were over.  I remember leaving her bedroom after she made that announcement and going to my own room & shutting and locking the door behind me.  And, I cried.  I was so sad and remember recognizing in that moment that we were growing up.  Some things would never be the same again.
* Every time I got in to trouble, Kelly was always there as my peace negotiator with Mom.  I really owe her a lot for this.  <Please note that Kelly never needed me as her peace negotiator because by the time she got to high school my parents were clearly worn out & tired cause SHE NEVER GOT IN TROUBLE!>
* More than anything, though, my fondest memories will be of the times we share now.  As adults.  As moms of twins.  As best friends.  And, as lovers of Miller Lite.    One of my favorite places is in her backyard, at night, sitting beside her fire pit with a cooler of long necks and nothing to do but talk.  And we’re very, very good at that. 
* My sister is the kindest person I know.  I admire her so much for that.  I strive to be more like her.  She’d give you the shirt off her back.  She’d rescue every stray animal off the side of the road.  She’d give you the last dollar out of her wallet if it meant better things for you.
* My sister is the most generous person I know.  She never shows up without something in hand, whether it’s a Rt. 44 Coke Zero from Sonic for you or 3 pair of pj’s for your boys, she’s so incredibly thoughtful.  Again, I strive to be more like her. 
* I could sit here tonight & write a short novel about funny or unforgettable events that my sister & I have shared together.  Instead, though, I will say to the universe – THANK YOU!  And, thank you, little sister for the story hours, for the baby doll birthday parties, for all the refereeing between Mom & me, for believing in Santa, for watching my lip sync concerts & telling me I looked like I was really singing, for letting me sit in the front seat even when it wasn’t my turn, for visiting me at USM & letting me visit you at LSU, for standing by me and up for me when I needed unconditional love more than ever, for letting me stand next to you when you married Chris “Milkshake” Talbot, for loving my boys and, especially, letting me name my baby boy, Kelly Tanner, after you, and for being the type of woman, person & friend I strive to be every single day.  You make my life better because you make me better.  I love you. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm having a crap week. Can I be next? You're amazing Kim and Kelly! You've brought a tear to my eye - both of them actually. Thanks for sharing the love!
